Monday, January 7, 2008

and now for a random theological question. . .

When you pray, who do you pray to? What I mean is, are your prayers to God or to Jesus? When you bow your head to pray, who do you address said prayer to? In your mind's eye, who are you looking at? And why do you pray that way?

Let me know by posting a comment. I'm interested to hear your answers. And if you should feel so compelled, would you explain your answer to me?

I'm well aware I've only got about three consistent readers, but I value your input 1, 2 and 3!!


Anonymous said...

I pray to God, the Father. Our pictures in our head of Jesus and God and Noah, etc. aren't probably the most accurate illustrations. I am usually thinking of God not as Jesus in the flesh, but as this all powerful creator of the universe. I think of him this way when I pray because this is what makes him the most personal to me-He created us (our bodies, souls, spirits) One of these we can actually tangibly see and I'm in awe of even just the physical aspects we use each day which are sight, touch, hearing, etc. It's awesome mostly because I used to be a big evolution lover. I remember back when I thought we had evolved from a rock that had been rained on for millions of years. So I am able to praise God now not only with all heart and soul, but with my mind as well. Genesis just makes sense!!!!

Lacy said...

Assuming I'm #2...... hummm. I guess I "picture" Jesus, full beard and all.I suppose I was taught that you go to God through Jesus. (You tell him he tells his dad...)
But many times I picture them both. When I say father I see an old man on a throne......
It's tricky
When I'm really in the spirit and words are no longer a part of my prayer, I see nothing, I can't. It's almost like God is so close that an "image" can't be conjured.

Jennifer said...

It varies, but I typically address my prayers to Jesus. Don't really visualize - but typically see Jesus as what's portrayed in the Matthew videos. I pray in the name of Jesus like the NT says to. It's an interesting study to realize what that phrase actually means because of the Hebrew culture and how important a name is. Their whole character & identity is expressed in their name. It's powerful and not something to be flippant about when you pray in Jesus' name.

Anonymous said...

I pray to God, but ask that in Jesus name the prayer be heard. I don't picture any thing, I just concentrate on the prayer ......Mom